angular - Webpack generated file error : "t.replace is not a function" -

i'm working on sample angular 2 app webpack generates js , css files. ran app web application on jboss 7.1 successfully, when tried use portlet application on websphere portal 7, following error occurred:

enter image description here

my guess replace function not called on string variable (as should), have no idea, why happening (only on portal).

can me understand stacktrace above?

here's webpack configuration if helps:

var webpack = require('webpack'); var htmlwebpackplugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); var extracttextplugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin'); var helpers = require('./helpers');  module.exports = {     entry : {         'polyfills' : './src/polyfills.ts',         'vendor' : './src/vendor.ts',         'app' : './src/main.ts'     },      resolve : {         extensions : [ '', '.js', '.ts' ]     },      devtool: 'source-map',    output: {     path: helpers.root('dist'),     publicpath: '/.angularportlet/dist/',     filename: '[name].[hash].js',     chunkfilename: '[id].[hash].chunk.js'   },    htmlloader: {     minimize: false // workaround ng2   },      module : {         loaders : [ {             test : /\.ts$/,             loader : 'ts'         }, {             test : /\.html$/,             loader : 'html'         }, {             test : /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg|woff|woff2|ttf|eot|ico)$/,             loader : 'file?name=assets/[name].[hash].[ext]'         }, {             test : /\.css$/,             exclude : helpers.root('src', 'app'),             loader : extracttextplugin.extract('style', 'css?sourcemap')         }, {             test : /\.css$/,             include : helpers.root('src', 'app'),             loader : 'raw'         } ]     },      plugins : [ new webpack.optimize.commonschunkplugin({         name : [ 'app', 'vendor', 'polyfills' ]     }),      new htmlwebpackplugin({         xhtml : true,         minify : {             keepclosingslash : true         },         template : 'src/index.html',         favicon : 'public/images/favicon.ico',         filename : 'index.html'     }),     new webpack.noerrorsplugin(),     new webpack.optimize.dedupeplugin(),     new webpack.optimize.uglifyjsplugin(),     new extracttextplugin('[name].[hash].css'),     new webpack.defineplugin({       'process.env': {         'env': json.stringify(env)       }     })  ]  }; 

configuration web application same except publicpath webpack output files different.

xhtml code (i'm including generated index.html code):

<div xmlns:ui="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:portlet="" xmlns:p="">  <h:form id="formmain">     <ui:include src="../dist/index.html" /> </h:form> 


<!doctype html> <html> <head> <base href="/" /> <title>angular webpack</title> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"     href="/.angularportlet/node_modules/primeui/primeui-ng-all.min.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"     href="/.angularportlet/node_modules/primeui/themes/omega/theme.css" /> <link     href="/.angularportlet/node_modules/ag-grid/dist/styles/ag-grid.css"     rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link     href="/.angularportlet/node_modules/ag-grid/dist/styles/theme-fresh.css"     rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/.angularportlet/dist/favicon.ico" /> <link href="/.angularportlet/dist/app.f16840a33ca242ab101a.css"     rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body>     <my-app>loading...</my-app>     <script type="text/javascript"         src="/.angularportlet/dist/polyfills.f16840a33ca242ab101a.js"></script>     <script type="text/javascript"         src="/.angularportlet/dist/vendor.f16840a33ca242ab101a.js"></script>     <script type="text/javascript"         src="/.angularportlet/dist/app.f16840a33ca242ab101a.js"></script> </body> </html> 


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