ios - get data from combination of dictionary and array from plist in swift 2.2 -
i hava plist file configuration this. its root dictionary has 3 item, item1,item2,item3 item 3 array . when values of root_dict, item3 returns value array . item3 has item (item4) dictionary . item 4 has item(item5) i want value of item5 root_dict item1 --- string item2 --- dict item3 --- array | ------ item 4 ---- dic | -------------item5----array i using below code: var mydict: nsdictionary? if let path = nsbundle.mainbundle().pathforresource("info", oftype: "plist") { mydict = nsdictionary(contentsoffile: path) //mydict has 3 item } var dicdata = mydict!["item3"] as! dictionary<string, anyobject> (key, value) in dicdata{ print(key) } its not working. any kind of highly appreciated. i totally agree @nirav follow might work you. var mydict: nsdictionary? if let path = nsbundle.mainbundle().path...