r - Can't mutate despite object as data.frame -

i have subset of data (as shown below). reason can't mutate data.frame in way.

i error message:

error: data_frames can contain 1d atomic vectors , lists

which should stem me not returning object class either list or data.frame itself, can't make mutations returns numeric value.


> fvaluation.head            conm  firm.value         isin fyear         industry total.pmg exchange industry.classification                list short.name feb.price current.price 1      2e group  15.2460627 se0000680902 2015f    other service      0.62      sto       consumer services first north premier         2e     12.75         12.95 2      a-com ab          na se0000592677 2015f    other service      0.62     <na>                    <na>                <na>       <na>        na            na 3        aak ab 423.2503370 se0001493776 2015f other production      0.31      sto          consumer goods               large        aak    430.00        425.00 4      ab sagax          na se0001629288 2015f      real estate      0.56      sto              financials                 mid  saga pref        na            na 5     abelco ab   0.3730399 se0003617075 2015f other production      0.31      sto                    <na>         aktietorget        abe      1.69          2.00 6 academedia ab          na se0007897079 2015f    other service      0.62     <na>                    <na>                <na>       <na>        na            na  > str(fvaluation.head) 'data.frame':   6 obs. of  12 variables:  $ conm                   : chr  "2e group" "a-com ab" "aak ab" "ab sagax" ...  $ firm.value             : num  15.246 na 423.25 na 0.373 ...  $ isin                   : chr  "se0000680902" "se0000592677" "se0001493776" "se0001629288" ...  $ fyear                  : chr  "2015f" "2015f" "2015f" "2015f" ...  $ industry               : factor w/ 16 levels "building , construction",..: 11 11 10 14 10 11  $ total.pmg              : num  0.62 0.62 0.31 0.56 0.31 0.62  $ exchange               : factor w/ 5 levels "","cph","hel",..: 5 na 5 5 5 na  $ industry.classification: factor w/ 11 levels "","basic materials",..: 4 na 3 5 na na  $ list                   : factor w/ 7 levels ""," ","aktietorget",..: 4 na 5 6 3 na  $ short.name             : factor w/ 1058 levels "","203","2e",..: 3 na 6 805 9 na  $ feb.price              : num [1:6, 1] 12.75 na 430 na 1.69 ...  $ current.price          : num [1:6, 1] 12.9 na 425 na 2 ...  > fvaluation.summary <- fvaluation.head %>% mutate(buy.sell.signal = derivedfactor( +                                            "na"   = (is.na(firm.value) == true | is.na(feb.price) == true), +                                            "sell" = (firm.value < feb.price), +                                            "buy"  = (firm.value > feb.price), +                                            .method = 'first')) error: data_frames can contain 1d atomic vectors , lists  > fvaluation.head  %>% mutate(test = firm.value * 2) error: data_frames can contain 1d atomic vectors , lists 

what wrong? , how can resolved?

> dput(droplevels(fvaluation.head)) structure(list(conm = c("2e group", "a-com ab", "aak ab", "ab sagax",  "abelco ab", "academedia ab"), firm.value = c(15.2460627037116,  na, 423.25033702408, na, 0.373039901083465, na), isin = c("se0000680902",  "se0000592677", "se0001493776", "se0001629288", "se0003617075",  "se0007897079"), fyear = c("2015f", "2015f", "2015f", "2015f",  "2015f", "2015f"), industry = structure(c(2l, 2l, 1l, 3l, 1l,  2l), .label = c("other production", "other service", "real estate" ), class = "factor"), total.pmg = c(0.62, 0.62, 0.31, 0.56, 0.31,  0.62), exchange = structure(c(1l, na, 1l, 1l, 1l, na), .label = "sto", class = "factor"),      industry.classification = structure(c(2l, na, 1l, 3l, na,      na), .label = c("consumer goods", "consumer services", "financials"     ), class = "factor"), list = structure(c(2l, na, 3l, 4l,      1l, na), .label = c("aktietorget", "first north premier",      "large", "mid"), class = "factor"), short.name = structure(c(1l,      na, 2l, 4l, 3l, na), .label = c("2e", "aak", "abe", "saga pref"     ), class = "factor"), feb.price = structure(c(12.75, na,      430, na, 1.69, na), .dim = c(6l, 1l)), current.price = structure(c(12.95,      na, 425, na, 2, na), .dim = c(6l, 1l))), .names = c("conm",  "firm.value", "isin", "fyear", "industry", "total.pmg", "exchange",  "industry.classification", "list", "short.name", "feb.price",  "current.price"), row.names = c(na, 6l), class = "data.frame") 

because last 2 columns of dataframe contain matrix, i.e. has 2 dimensions, see:


if drop (or convert numeric) last 2 columns, should work:

fvaluation.head[, 1:10] %>%             mutate(test = firm.value * 2)  

str(fvaluation.head$feb.price) show has 6 rows , 1 column.

$ feb.price : num [1:6, 1] 


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