php - Why mysql sql query is taking long time to get the result? -
in mysql db table contact_details
have 12,000 rows , it's continuously updating.
now have search form need search data db table contact_details
for e.g : searching 2
in type
column contact_details
table , there 11,000 records of 2
in situation, sql query taking long time produce result ! sometime it's showing me maximum time exceed. should result more ?
here contact_details table :
here search form error message :
i using following sql query search result :
if(!empty($ad_keyword)) { $getsearch = "select * (select group_concat(distinct keywordname order keywordname) keywordname, "; } else{ $getsearch = "select "; } $getsearch .= " cd.cdid, cd.family_name, cd.given_name, cd.department, cd.title, company.*, users.nickname, contact_label.label_data contact_details cd left join users on users.user_id = cd.user_id left join company on company.cid = cd.cid left join contact_docs on contact_docs.cdid = cd.cdid left join userkeywords on userkeywords . cdid = cd . cdid left join keywords on keywords . kid = userkeywords . kid left join contact_label on contact_label.cdid = cd.cdid 1=1 "; if(!empty($ad_company)){ $getsearch .= "and company.company_name '$ad_company%' "; } if(!empty($ad_fname)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.family_name '$ad_fname%' "; } if(!empty($ad_department)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.department '$ad_department%' "; } if(!empty($ad_mp)){ $getsearch .= "and >= '$ad_mp' "; } if(!empty($ad_e2)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.e2 >= '$ad_e2' "; } if(!empty($ad_pl)){ $getsearch .= "and >= '$ad_pl' "; } if(!empty($ad_ap)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.ap >= '$ad_ap' "; } if(!empty($ad_j2)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.j2 >= '$ad_j2' "; } if(!empty($ad_agreater)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.age >= '$ad_agreater' "; } if(!empty($ad_aless)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.age <= '$ad_aless' "; } if(!empty($ad_agreater) && !empty($ad_aless)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.age between '$ad_agreater' , '$ad_aless'"; } if(!empty($ad_sgreater)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.comp >= '$ad_sgreater' "; } if(!empty($ad_sless)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.comp <= '$ad_sless' "; } if(!empty($ad_sgreater) && !empty($ad_sless)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.comp between '$ad_sgreater' , '$ad_sless'"; } if(!empty($ad_noteterm)){ $ad_noteterm = preg_replace("/\{asusibbir\}(.+?)\s:\s(.+?)\{asusibbir\}/m", "$2", $ad_noteterm); $getsearch .= "and locate('$ad_noteterm', replace (notesupdate, '{asusibbir}', ' '))"; } if(!empty($ad_cnote)){ $getsearch .= "and locate('$ad_cnote', cd.characternotes)"; } if(!empty($ad_twork)){ $getsearch .= "and contact_label.label_data '%$ad_twork%'"; } if(!empty($ad_tmobile)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.mobile_phone '%$ad_tmobile%'"; } if(!empty($ad_resume)){ $getsearch .= "and locate('$ad_resume', contact_docs.file_content)"; //is resume? yes } if(!empty($ad_datefrom) && empty($ad_dateto)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.created_date between '$ad_datefrom'and '$date'"; } if(!empty($ad_dateto) && empty($ad_datefrom)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.created_date between date('0000-00-00') , '$ad_dateto' "; } if(!empty($ad_datefrom) && !empty($ad_dateto)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.created_date between '$ad_datefrom' , '$ad_dateto'"; } if(!empty($ad_type)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.type = '$ad_type' "; } if(!empty($ad_wemail)){ $getsearch .= "and '$ad_wemail%'"; } if(!empty($ad_pemail)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.email_private '$ad_pemail%'"; } if(!empty($ad_title)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.title '$ad_title%'"; } if(!empty($ad_source)){ $getsearch .= "and cd.source '$ad_source%'"; } if(!empty($ad_consultant)){ $getsearch .= "and users.nickname '%$ad_consultant%'"; } if(!empty($ad_keyword)){ $ad_keyword_param = str_replace(",","','",$ad_keyword); $getsearch .= " , keywords.keywordname in ('$ad_keyword_param') "; } $getsearch .= " group cd.user_id, cd.cid, cd.cdid "; if(!empty($ad_keyword)){ $ad_keyword_param = str_replace(",",",",$ad_keyword); $getsearch .= " ) keywordname '$ad_keyword_param%' "; }
- implement indexing
- instead of fetch '*' specify required column name.
- instead of subquery try use join
- use 'limit' clause
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