cmd - Set undefined variables in a batch file FOR loop -

in batch file arbitrary number of variables listed, defined, others not. how can set undefined (not set value) variables names starting "_" 1 in loop or iterative way?

the code below prints defined variables starting "_" (underscore), doesn't set undefined variables 1.

@echo off setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion  :variables set "_a=good" & set "_b=" & set "c=" & set "d=6" & set "_e=bad" set "_f=" & set "_g=ugly"  :core /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in ('set _') (     if "%%j"=="" set "%%i=1"     echo %%i %%j)  /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in ('set _') (     set "varn=%%i" & set "varp=%%j"     if not %%j equ 1 (echo %%i = %%j     ) else (set /p "%%j=enter %%i > " 2>nul) ) call :verify !varn! !varp!      exit /b  :verify rem more code 

@echo off setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion  :variables set "_a=good" & set "_b=" & set "c=" & set "d=6" & set "_e=bad" set "_f=" & set "_g=ugly"  :allvariables rem must define here list "all variables" set "variables=_a _b c d _e _f _g"  :core %%v in (%variables%) if not defined %%v set "%%v=1" exit /b 

below :allvariables label must define variables want, question did not defined such method! may collect parameters, or line in text file, or...


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