angular - ng2-table: Can't bind to 'X' since it isn't a known native property -

i'm having problems trying demo work.

  1. i've installed module via: npm ng2-table --save

  2. i've added entries in systemjs.config.js map , package fields:

var map = { ..., 'ng2-table': 'node_modules/ng2-table' };

var packages = { ..., 'ng2-table': { defaultextension: 'js' } };

  1. copied html , ts here:

when loading created component following error:

can't bind 'totalitems' since isn't known native property

what missing?

i think it's because directives aren't correctly specified in directives attributes of component want use ng2-table.

@component({   selector: 'table-demo',   template: template,   directives: [ng_table_directives, pagination_directives] // <------ }) export class tabledemocomponent implements oninit {   (...) } 

are sure ng_table_directives correctly set , / or imported?


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