python - Can I use %f and %d to format floats and ints to strings in a list? -

i starter python ,without programming experience , here's question

i have list called n

n = [ (1.1,5) , (2.4,7) , (5.4,6) , (9.8,14) , (10,4) ] 

and want create list looks like

k = [ ('1.1' , {'num' : '5'}) ,   ('2.4' , {'num' : '7'}) ,   ('5.4' , {'num' : '6'}) ,   ('9.8' , {'num' : '14'}) ,   ('10' , {'num' : '4'})  ] 

i've tried like

for  in range(len(n)):     k.append(('%f', {'num' : '%d'})) % n[i][0] % n[i][1] 

but got typeerror : unsupported operand type(s) % : 'nonetype' , 'float'

i'm not sure if asked question in proper way but...hope can me this, thx t^t

the numbers floats , ints, respectively. expected k looks converts them strings. can build way list comprehension:

>>> n = [ (1.1,5) , (2.4,7) , (5.4,6) , (9.8,14) , (10,4) ] >>> k = [ (str(x) , {'num': str(y)}) x, y in n] >>> k [('1.1', {'num': '5'}), ('2.4', {'num': '7'}), ('5.4', {'num': '6'}), ('9.8', {'num': '14'}), ('10', {'num': '4'})] >>> 

wrt code trying:

for in range(len(n)): - not way iterate in python. don't need item index reference item in current iteration. example:

>>> item in n: ...   print item ... (1.1, 5) (2.4, 7) (5.4, 6) (9.8, 14) (10, 4) >>> >>> # let's each part of tuple separately: ... item in n: ...   print 'tuple index 0:', item[0], ...   print 'tuple index 1:', item[1] ... tuple index 0: 1.1 tuple index 1: 5 tuple index 0: 2.4 tuple index 1: 7 tuple index 0: 5.4 tuple index 1: 6 tuple index 0: 9.8 tuple index 1: 14 tuple index 0: 10 tuple index 1: 4 

now take @ part:
k.append(('%f', {'num' : '%d'})) % n[i][0] % n[i][1] - looks trying % substitution in print '%s world!' % 'hello' => hello world!. work, need use % operator after string, so:

>>> k = [] >>> item in n: ...   k.append(('%f' % item[0], {'num': '%d' % item[1]})) ... >>> k [('1.100000', {'num': '5'}), ('2.400000', {'num': '7'}), ('5.400000', {'num': '6'}), ('9.800000', {'num': '14'}), ('10.000000', {'num': '4'} )] 

now, instead of doing % format stuff, cast floats , ints strings, using str(). adapting version these here:

>>> k = [] >>> item in n: ...   k.append((str(item[0]), {'num': str(item[1])})) ... 

and since know item refers each element in list, , each tuple, can expand in iterator-variables, x , y used here:

>>> k = [] >>> x, y in n: ...   print 'index 0:', x, '; index 1', y ...   k.append((str(x), {'num': str(y)})) ... 

lastly, pattern of creating empty list k , appending items in loop can done in more pythonic way in list comprehensions:

>>> k = [(str(x), {'num': str(y)}) x, y in n] 

(note k does not first need initialised empty list.)


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