Sinatra can't see styles.css -

in directory have:

  • shop.rb (app < sinatra::base)
  • lib directory - ruby models inside
  • views directory - erb files inside
  • gemfile

where should place style.css ? tried every place possible, created public folder , tried every possible place, styles doesn't work. in layout have:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css"/> 

i tried with:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"/> 

it might because app not configured find public directory/ first make sure public directory exists relative main entry file of application (assuming shop.rb) , use following configuration:

class shop < sinatra::base    configure      set :public_folder, file.expand_path('../public', __file__)      set :views        , file.expand_path('../views', __file__)      set :root         , file.dirname(__file__)    end     '/'      erb :index    end  end 

once set up, sinatra should know find public directory , can include asset file this:


<link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css"/> 


<img src="/img/background.png" alt="image" /> 


<script src="/js/main.js"></script> 


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