r - Confidence Interval and Standard error of Skewness and Kurtosis -

please tell me how calculate skewness , kurtosis along respective standard error , confidence interval associated it(i.e. se of skewness , s.e of kurtosis) found 2 packages

1) package:'measure' can calculate skewness , kurtosis

2) package:'rela' can calcuate both skewness , kurtosis uses bootstrap default , no command turn off during calculation.

try package psych:

> <- data.frame(cola=rep(c('a','b','c'),100),colb=sample(1:1000,300),colc=rnorm(300)) > describe(a)       vars   n   mean     sd median trimmed    mad   min    max  range  skew kurtosis    se cola*    1 300   2.00   0.82   2.00    2.00   1.48  1.00   3.00   2.00  0.00    -1.51  0.05 colb     2 300 511.76 285.59 506.50  514.21 362.50  1.00 999.00 998.00 -0.04    -1.17 16.49 colc     3 300   0.12   1.04   0.05    0.10   1.07 -2.54   2.91   5.45  0.12    -0.24  0.06 > describe(a)$skew [1]  0.00000000 -0.04418551  0.11857609 


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