PHP - "Class not found" error when the program try to find class at the project -

i downloaded github component simplifies file validation , uploading (

i put src folder @ www folder (i working wamp).

i installed composer.json givven @ github progaramץ

i created index.html file code:

<!doctype html> <html> <body>      <form action="up.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">      <input type="file" name="foo" value=""/>      <input type="submit" value="upload file"/>     </form>    </body>    </html> 

the action direct up.php copied readme (at github project) that:

<?php $storage = new \upload\storage\filesystem(__dir__."/".$sugar_config['upload_dir']); $file = new \upload\file('foo', $storage);  // optionally can rename file on upload $new_filename = uniqid(); $file->setname($new_filename);  // validate file upload // mimetype list => $file->addvalidations(array(     // ensure file of type "image/png"     new \upload\validation\mimetype('image/png'),      //you can add multi mimetype validation     //new \upload\validation\mimetype(array('image/png', 'image/gif'))      // ensure file no larger 5m (use "b", "k", m", or "g")     new \upload\validation\size('5m') ));  // access data file has been uploaded $data = array(     'name'       => $file->getnamewithextension(),     'extension'  => $file->getextension(),     'mime'       => $file->getmimetype(),     'size'       => $file->getsize(),     'md5'        => $file->getmd5(),     'dimensions' => $file->getdimensions() );  // try upload file try {     // success!     $file->upload(); } catch (\exception $e) {     // fail!     $errors = $file->geterrors(); } 

after clicking upload file buttom @ index browser directing me up.php file error:

the error

i tried fix with:

  1. adding namespace upload; other pages have.
  2. changing path @ line -$storage = new \upload\storage\filesystem(__dir__."/".$sugar_config['upload_dir']);

nothing works.

===== update - after adding require dirname(__dir__) . '\upload\vendor\autoload.php'; still same error -

( ! ) fatal error: class 'upload\storage\filesystem' not found in c:\wamp\www\upload\up.php on line 7

time memory function location

1 0.0084 250616 {main}( ) ..\up.php:0

it not work, if don't use composer , composer's autoloader, package has it's own class autoloader, try include autoloader , register @ top of script:

include 'src/upload/autoloader.php' autoloader::register(); 


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