c# - LINQ finding the highest frequency -

i trying find "most popular" game based on number of occurrences. wrote linq query below

 var query = (from evt in events                         game in evt.eventgames                         group game game.gametypeid                         g                         select new {g.key, count = g.count()}).orderbydescending(x => x.count).firstordefault();   var gametype = repository.getrepository<gametype>().find(query?.key);  

i realised querying twice game type has highest frequency.

is possible game type first query itself?


yes, group gametype instead of gametypeid.

var gametype = (from evt in events                 game in evt.eventgames                 group game game.gametype g                 orderby g.count() descending                 select g.key)                 .firstordefault(); 


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