xml - Excel Custom Ribbon Screentip -

is there way can remove highlighted 'tell me more' portion of screentip per example below?

enter image description here

here code:

        <customui xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui"> <ribbon>     <tabs>         <tab id="custommantis" label="mantis" insertaftermso="developer">              <group id="mantissheetfunctions" label="sheet functions">                 <button id="custombutton3" label="insert rows" screentip="insert rows" supertip="insert rows @ current cursor position. max 1000 rows @ 1 time." size="large" onaction="irinsertnewrows" imagemso="cellsinsertdialog" />                 <button id="custombutton4" label="delete rows" screentip="delete rows" supertip="delete rows current cursor position down. max 1000 rows @ 1 time." size="large" onaction="irdeleterows" imagemso="cellsdelete" />                 <button id="custombutton5" label="pdf sheet" screentip="save sheet pdf" supertip="saves current sheet pdf document." size="large" onaction="irpdfsheet" imagemso="filesaveaspdf" />             </group>              <group id="mantisworkbooknavigation" label="workbook functions">                 <button id="custombutton6" label="insert logo" screentip="insert logo" supertip="apply own company logo header portion of each sheet." size="large" onaction="irinsertheadergraphic" imagemso="picturepositiongallery" />                 <button id="custombutton7" label="save workbook" screentip="save workbook as..." supertip="creates , renames copy of workbook." size="large" onaction="irsaveas" imagemso="filesaveas" />                 <button id="custombutton8" label="pdf workbook" screentip=" save workbook pdf" supertip="creates pdf file of entire workbook." size="large" onaction="irlockworkbook" imagemso="filesaveaspdforxps" />             </group>                          <group id="mantisnavigation" label="navigation">                 <button id="custombutton1" label="previous sheet" screentip="previous sheet" supertip="navigates 1 sheet @ time." size="large" onaction="irprevpg" imagemso="previousresource" />                 <button id="custombutton2" label="next sheet" screentip="next sheet" supertip="navigates forward 1 sheet @ time." size="large" onaction="irnextpg" imagemso="nextresource" />             </group>              <group id="mantishelp" label="help">                 <button id="custombutton9" label="view versions" screentip="view versions sheet" supertip="displays version control sheet. contains detailed record of each version change." size="large" onaction="irversions" imagemso="info" />                 <button id="custombutton10" label="help" screentip="instructions file" supertip="allows online reading or downloading of instructions file calculator. active internet connection required." size="large" onaction="irinstructionfile" imagemso="help" />             </group>          </tab>     </tabs> </ribbon> </customui> 


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