vbscript - How to read a text file to numbers and then get the total value of those numbers -
i'm working on script find out how free storage there is. script checks database find out store names queries these using cmd. outputs file remaining storage. cannot seem find way combine these values , bring total amount.
dim objfilesys set objfilesys = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") if objfilesys.fileexists("a.txt") objfilesys.deletefile "a.txt" wscript.echo ("old file found , deleted") else wscript.echo ("old file not found, script continue") end if wscript.sleep 500 set objconnection = createobject("adodb.connection") set objrecordset = createobject("adodb.recordset") set oshell = wscript.createobject ("wscript.shell") dim strres dim strdc dim strspc objconnection.open _ "provider=sqloledb;data source=dls-bsp-sdb;" & _ "initial catalog=dom_site;" & _ "user id=*****;password=*****" objrecordset.open "****", objconnection while not objrecordset.eof wscript.sleep 1000 strres = objrecordset.fields("volume").value strdc = ("cmd /c dir /-c " &strres)+"| find /i ""bytes free""" wscript.echo strres oshell.run "" & strdc + " >> a.txt" 'wscript.echo strspc objrecordset.movenext loop objrecordset.close wscript.sleep 1000 const forreading = 1 const forwriting = 2 set objfso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") set objfile = objfso.opentextfile("a.txt", forreading) strtext = objfile.readall objfile.close strnewtext = replace(strtext, " 5 dir(s) ", "") strnewtext1 = replace(strnewtext, " bytes free", "") strnewtext2 = replace(strnewtext1, " ", "") set objfile = objfso.opentextfile("a.txt", forwriting) objfile.writeline strnewtext2 objfile.close wscript.sleep 1000 set objfiletoread = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject").opentextfile("a.txt",1) dim strline while not objfiletoread.atendofstream strline = objfiletoread.readline() wscript.echo strline loop wscript.echo strline objfiletoread.close
this outputs text file containing like
15363938635776 4314728202240 4250596589568 15386325426176 9204097486848 15406486990848
i know can read file using vbscript like
const forreading = 1 set objfso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") set objfile = objfso.opentextfile("a.txt", forreading) until objfile.atendofstream strline = objfile.readline wscript.echo strline loop objfile.close
i need total instead of viewing text.
you can use accumulator variable
mysum = 0
and add loop
do until objfile.atendofstream strline = objfile.readline mysum = mysum + clng(strline) loop
contains total.
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