php - can use orWhere and Where functions with delete -

yii2 framework why cant use this?

$rows = new query; $rows->createcommand()     ->delete('friends')     ->where(['userid' => 1 ,'userid' => 2])     ->orwhere(['userid' => 2 ,'userid' => 1])     ->execute(); 

in where() , or orwhere() function using hash format (['key'=> 'value'])

hash format hash format best used specify multiple and-concatenated sub-conditions each being simple equality assertion. written array keys column names , values corresponding values columns should be.

lookin code equivalent

 userid = 1 , userid = 2  

look na useful guide

second important .. in yii2 have delete() , deleteall()

delete() deletes table row corresponding active record.

deleteall() deletes rows in table using provided conditions.


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