javascript - How to know which element is not visible in console output using protractor? -

when executing jasmine script using protractor, getting below message test step having lot of elements , i'm not sure element not visible, there way capture non visisble element in console output.

× should able change first , last name of existing 'admin user'

  • failed: element not visible

do need changes in config file?

my current config below.

/** * created kumarso on 5/25/2016.


exports.config = {     directconnect: true,     seleniumaddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',     specs: ['../conf/costome_conf.js','../test_spec/editusertest_spec.js'],     chromedriver: c:/users/kumarso/appdata/roaming/npm/node_modules/chromedriver/lib/chromedriver/chromedriver.exe',     framework: 'jasmine2',     multicapabilities: [{         browsername: 'chrome'     }],     allscriptstimeout: 100000,     jasminenodeopts: {         oncomplete: null,         isverbose: false,         showcolors: true,         includestacktrace: true,         defaulttimeoutinterval: 100000,         print: function () {         }     },     onprepare: function () {         var specreporter = require('jasmine-spec-reporter');         // add jasmine spec reporter         jasmine.getenv().addreporter(new specreporter({             displaystacktrace: true,             displayfailuressummary: true,         }));         browser.driver.manage().window().maximize();    }, }; 


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