javascript - array for full calendar -

how should array if want serialize , use in full calendar?

(int) 1 => [     'start_date' => '2016-06-01',     'end_date' => '2016-06-01' ], (int) 2 => [     'start_date' => '2016-06-02',     'end_date' => '2016-06-02' ], (int) 3 => [     'start_date' => '2016-06-03',     'end_date' => '2016-06-03' ], (int) 4 => [     'start_date' => '2016-06-04',     'end_date' => '2016-06-04' ], (int) 5 => [     'start_date' => '2016-06-05',     'end_date' => '2016-06-05',     'events' => [         (int) 0 => [             'date' => 'e',             'name' => 'holliday'         ],         (int) 4 => [             'date' => 'e',             'name' => 'holliday'         ] ] ] 

this array , use json_encode send view use on events: seems not working...

    <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() {       // instantiate fullcalendar     // ================================     var date = new date(),             d = date.getdate(),             m = date.getmonth(),             y = date.getfullyear();           var jdata = $("#jsondata").html();     $("#full_calendar").fullcalendar({         header: {                left: "prev,next",             center: "title",             right: "today,month,agendaweek"         },         buttontext: {             prev: "<",             next: ">"         },         editable: true,         events:jquery.parsejson(jdata),         eventclick: function (calevent, jsevent, view) {             // content             var pcontent = '';             pcontent += '<h5 class=semibold>';             pcontent += '<img class="mr10" src="/adminre1.2/image/icons/bloggingservices.png" width="42" height="42" />';             pcontent += calevent.title;             pcontent += '</h5>';             pcontent += '<hr/>';             pcontent += '<p><span class="ico-clock"></span> start: ';             pcontent += $.fullcalendar.moment(calevent.start).format();             pcontent += '</p>';             if (calevent.end !== null) {                 pcontent += '<p><span class="ico-clock"></span>  end: ';                 pcontent += $.fullcalendar.moment(calevent.end).format();                 pcontent += '</p>';             }              // bootstrap popover             $(this).popover({                 placement: 'auto',                 container: 'body',                 html: true,                 trigger: 'manual',                 content: pcontent             }).popover('toggle');         }     }); }); 

<div id='jsondata' style="display:none;"><?php echo $results; ?></div> 

this javascript

in official documentation example case: fullcalendar events array

the event object has start , end properties, not start_date , end_date. .


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