haskell - WReq add abritrary cookie to the request -

i'm trying use proxmox ve json api, wreq can login , json response containing token sent cookie every request. question how set cookie wreq ? looks session handling automatically handle set-cookie sent server, in case never happens.

is there wreq equivalent simple curl -b "something=value" in shell ? looks possible call cookie constructor hand takes lot of argument, , don't know should put in there besides name , value.


one option use getwith allows specify cookiejar custom cookie values.

 {-# language overloadedstrings #-}   import network.wreq.lens  import network.wreq  import control.lens  import network.http.client  import data.time.clock   secs n = n*10^12  mins n = n*60  days n = n*1440   foo =    <- getcurrenttime    let expires = addutctime (days 30)        cookie = cookie "name" "value" expires "example.com" "/" true true false false        jar = createcookiejar [cookie]        opts = defaults :: options        opts' = opts & cookies .~ (just jar)    getwith opts' "http://example.com/asd" 


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