c# - Vertical Multi-level Navigation Menu in UWP App -

i m working on uwp app app contain products categories , inside category create product list , 3-level navigation.
for example

i working on uwp app right involves use of such navigation. let me hook basic code , can modify based on needs.

so, xaml looks this:

 <grid background="{themeresource applicationpagebackgroundthemebrush}">     <grid.rowdefinitions>         <rowdefinition height="50"/>         <rowdefinition height="*"/>     </grid.rowdefinitions>     <relativepanel grid.row="0" background="blue">         <button x:name="button" content="&#xe700;" horizontalalignment="stretch" verticalalignment="stretch" width="50" height="50" foreground="white" borderbrush="{x:null}" background="{x:null}" fontfamily="segoe mdl2 assets" relativepanel.alignleftwithpanel="true" click="button_click"/>         <textblock x:name="textblock" textwrapping="wrap" text="your app name" foreground="#fff7f7f7" relativepanel.alignverticalcenterwithpanel="true" relativepanel.alignrightwith="" relativepanel.rightof="button" margin="10,0,0,0" fontsize="22"/>      </relativepanel>     <splitview x:name="mysplitview"  ispaneopen="false" openpanelength="220"  grid.column="0" panebackground="skyblue" grid.row="1" d:layoutoverrides="leftmargin, rightmargin, topmargin, bottommargin">         <splitview.pane>             <grid>                 <grid.columndefinitions>                     <columndefinition width="auto"/>                     <columndefinition width="auto"/>                     <columndefinition width="auto"/>                 </grid.columndefinitions>                 <listview x:name="_one" margin="10,0">                     <listview.itemtemplate>                         <datatemplate>                             <textblock tapped="textblock_tapped" text="{binding}" selectionhighlightcolor="{x:null}" foreground="white"/>                         </datatemplate>                     </listview.itemtemplate>                 </listview>                 <listview x:name="_two" grid.column="1"  margin="10,0">                     <listview.itemtemplate>                         <datatemplate>                             <textblock tapped="textblock_tapped_1"  text="{binding}" selectionhighlightcolor="{x:null}" foreground="white"/>                         </datatemplate>                     </listview.itemtemplate>                 </listview>                 <listview x:name="_three" grid.column="2"  margin="10,0">                     <listview.itemtemplate>                         <datatemplate>                             <textblock text="{binding}" selectionhighlightcolor="{x:null}" foreground="white"/>                         </datatemplate>                     </listview.itemtemplate>                 </listview>              </grid>         </splitview.pane>         <grid>             <textblock text="your content" verticalalignment="center" horizontalalignment="center" fontsize="36"/>         </grid>     </splitview> </grid> 

as can see have splitview control named 'mysplitview'.

it has pane , grid.

the pane contains navigation while grid contains content of application.

the pane divided 3 columns each column contains listview.

the 3 listview contains simple textblock control display items , click event on textblock control show secondary or third sublist based on item.

the code behind is:

public list<string> mainlist;     public list<subitem> secondlist, thirdlist;     public blankpage1()     {         this.initializecomponent();          mainlist = new list<string>();         mainlist.add("main item 1");         mainlist.add("main item 2");         mainlist.add("main item 3");         mainlist.add("main item 4");         mainlist.add("main item 5");          secondlist = new list<subitem>();         secondlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "main item 1", subitem = "second item 1" });         secondlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "main item 1", subitem = "second item 2" });         secondlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "main item 1", subitem = "second item 3" });         secondlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "main item 2", subitem = "second item 1" });         secondlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "main item 2", subitem = "second item 2" });         secondlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "main item 2", subitem = "second item 3" });         secondlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "main item 3", subitem = "second item 1" });         secondlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "main item 3", subitem = "second item 2" });         secondlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "main item 3", subitem = "second item 3" });         secondlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "main item 4", subitem = "second item 1" });         secondlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "main item 4", subitem = "second item 2" });         secondlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "main item 4", subitem = "second item 3" });         secondlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "main item 5", subitem = "second item 1" });         secondlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "main item 5", subitem = "second item 2" });         secondlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "main item 5", subitem = "second item 3" });            thirdlist = new list<subitem>();         thirdlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "second item 1", subitem = "third item 1" });         thirdlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "second item 1", subitem = "third item 2" });         thirdlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "second item 1", subitem = "third item 3" });         thirdlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "second item 1", subitem = "third item 4" });         thirdlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "second item 2", subitem = "third item 1" });         thirdlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "second item 2", subitem = "third item 2" });         thirdlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "second item 2", subitem = "third item 3" });         thirdlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "second item 2", subitem = "third item 4" });         thirdlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "second item 3", subitem = "third item 1" });         thirdlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "second item 3", subitem = "third item 2" });         thirdlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "second item 3", subitem = "third item 3" });         thirdlist.add(new subitem { mainitem = "second item 3", subitem = "third item 4" });           _one.itemssource = mainlist;      }      public class subitem     {         public string mainitem { get; set; }         public string subitem { get; set; }     }      private void textblock_tapped(object sender, tappedroutedeventargs e)     {         //main item clicked         //to show second item list         textblock tb = sender textblock;         list<string> seconditems = new list<string>();         foreach(subitem s in secondlist)         {             if(s.mainitem == tb.text)             {                 seconditems.add(s.subitem);             }         }          this._two.itemssource = seconditems;         this._two.updatelayout();          //in case user clicks main item when third list has items         _three.itemssource = null;         this._three.updatelayout();          //set openpanelength manually items nice         mysplitview.openpanelength = _one.width + _two.width + 50;         this.mysplitview.updatelayout();     }      private void button_click(object sender, routedeventargs e)     {         //to open close splitview         mysplitview.ispaneopen = !mysplitview.ispaneopen;     }      private void textblock_tapped_1(object sender, tappedroutedeventargs e)     {         // secondary item clicked         // show thirdlist         textblock tb = sender textblock;         list<string> thirditems = new list<string>();         foreach (subitem s in thirdlist)         {             if (s.mainitem == tb.text)             {                 thirditems.add(s.subitem);             }         }          this._three.itemssource = thirditems;         this._three.updatelayout();          //set openpanelength manually items nice         mysplitview.openpanelength = _one.width + _two.width + _three.width+ 50;         this.mysplitview.updatelayout();     } 

hope helps.

have day.


raunaq patel


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