time - Calculating an interval from a timestamp in SAS -
i have data:
data beforehave; input id time_event $ activity $; datalines; 12345 07:03:875 activity1 12345 07:04:004 activity1 12345 07:05:062 activity1 12345 07:07:357 activity2 12345 07:10:743 activity2 23145 07:12:737 activity1 23145 07:14:065 activity2 23145 07:15:037 activity2 ; run;
i want data looks counting time between steps resetting counter 0 every time first activity 1 appears;
data beforehave; input id time_event $ activity $ time_taken; datalines; 12345 07:03:875 activity1 00:00:000 12345 07:04:004 activity1 00:00:029 12345 07:05:062 activity1 00:01:058 12345 07:07:357 activity2 00:01:295 12345 07:10:743 activity2 00:03:386 23145 07:12:737 activity1 00:00:000 23145 07:14:065 activity2 00:01:672 23145 07:15:037 activity2 00:00:972 ; run;
i think need take time particular activity occurred time first activity1
occurred id
. have thought of doing in terms of intermediate step whereby create field updates pull across time_event
of fist activity1
. intermediate step this;
data beforehave; input id time_event $ activity $ time_inter; datalines; 12345 07:03:875 activity1 07:03:875 12345 07:04:004 activity1 07:03:875 12345 07:05:062 activity1 07:03:875 12345 07:07:357 activity2 07:03:875 12345 07:10:743 activity2 07:03:875 23145 07:12:737 activity1 07:12:737 23145 07:14:065 activity2 07:12:737 23145 07:15:037 activity2 07:12:737 ; run;
to create use sas first. function , have written this;
data out.data; set in.data; if first.activity = 'activity1' time_inter = time_event; run;
from blank field.
could help?
data out.data(drop=time_event_prev); set beforehave; id; retain time_event_prev; if first.id time_inter = 0; else time_inter = time_event +(-time_event_prev); time_event_prev = time_event; run;
retain variable time_event_prev
fixed on each row , before fixing on current row has value previous rows.
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